Computer Scientist new representative in the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)
External Post - Mon Nov 18 2024Oliver Larsson, a doctoral student at the Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, has been selected to participate in the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences' Student Council. "It's a unique opportunity to bring a younger perspective to debates at high level in society. Personally, I have always enjoyed getting involved where there is an opportunity to make a difference. I am honoured, says Oliver Larsson.
Ett höstigt Chalmers - Rådsmöte 14 oktober 2024
External Post - Swedish - Mon Oct 14 2024Idag träffades vi i Studentrådet för årets första rådsmöte som hölls på ett Chalmers med riktig höstkänsla. Utöver att följa upp mycket av det arbete som planerades under höstkonferensen så fick vi möjligheten att blicka framåt inför resten av verksamhetsåret nu när vi alla är i gång med vårt arbete på riktigt. Jag tror verkligen detta kommer bli ett riktigt toppenår för Studentrådet!
The True Value of PhD Studies
Thu Jun 20 2024The first year and a half of my journey as a PhD student has been a wild ride with many highlights. Recently, I had the opportunity to listen to a seminar by higher education supervision researcher and author, Kay Guccione, which made me reflect on my journey so far. I came to realize that the process of becoming an independent researcher is so much more than just research, and this post is meant to highlight some of my own experiences and realizations.
Kubernetes In The Age Of AI - KubeCon EU 2024
Sat Mar 23 2024After running across a frozen lake in northern Sweden in the morning, landing in warm and sunny Paris in the evening was a clear indicator that spring is indeed in full force. This means that it is once again time for the annual KubeCon + CloudNativeCon here in Europe. I was blessed with the opportunity to attend for the second year running, and thoroughly enjoyed my time.
The Redemption of Parvum Systems
Tue Aug 01 2023Over four years ago, I ordered a case from Parvum Systems. After delays and delays, some parts arrived, some did not. After about half a year of lackluster communication, I was ghosted and I gave up on ever building a system in the case. One day recently, I noticed their website had been updated and thus reached out again. I was shocked at how willing they were to resolve my issues, even after all this time.